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Sunny Hills
17 - 21 President's Day and 2nd Winter Break - No School
27 - 2nd Grade Concert @ 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
3 - Kindergarten Parent Information Night 2025-26 @ 6:00 p.m.
4 - 5th Grade Musical @ 6:00 p.m.
6 - STEM Fair @ 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
7 - Breakfast with Brandy @ 9:30 a.m.
Dear Sunny Hills Families,
As we approach the mid-winter break, I want to take a moment to encourage everyone to enjoy this time to rest, relax, and recharge. Whether you're spending time with loved ones, enjoying quiet moments at home, or having a small adventure, I hope it’s a safe and joyful break for all.
We look forward to welcoming students back to Sunny Hills on February 24th, refreshed and ready for the rest of the school year!
Take care, and see you soon!
Families of current third graders: Are you interested in enrolling your student in our Science Technology Magnet Program? Issaquah School District offers three programs serving 4th and 5th grade students in unique multi-age classrooms. Each magnet program site serves 50+ students in a two-year program. Each program covers all standard 4th and 5th grade district adopted curriculum, with an added emphasis on science and technology. Grade specific math instruction is provided.
The Science Technology Magnet Program enrollment registration and lottery process is entirely online.
Second grade universal testing for the Highly Capable (Gifted) program will take place between March 3 and March 13. Students will take the Cognitive Aptitude Test (CogAT) and The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) . Check with your child's teacher for class specific dates.
King County mailed ballots last week to all registered voters for the February 11th Special Election, which includes Proposition 1 to help fund projects related to school safety, security and easing overcrowding at the high school level. The February bond is a 63% reduction from the November measure, which did not pass; the updated bond proposal would meet only the district's most immediate needs.
We’re excited to announce an extension of the deadline and also opening the application to all grades between kindergarten and 10th grade. From those who apply, 20 lucky students will be selected to participate in the district’s “5,000 Days Project.” Those chosen will receive a film of their lives growing up at every age between the start of the project and graduation.
The Before and After School Care (BASC) program is excited to announce that our Middle School Summer Camp survey received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the ISD community! As a result, we will pilot a camp at Cougar Mountain Middle School this summer.
As a reminder to families, please print any report cards, test scores or other information that you may want to have a copy of while Skyward Family Access is not available from February 11-23. Family Access will be completely unavailable while our district upgrades the student information system from Skyward 2.0 to Skyward “Qmlativ.”
You're invited to join our Family Partnership Team for a Fifth Grade Transition to Middle School Information Night on March 3 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom! This session is perfect for families that are new to the United States, or anyone wanting to learn more about middle school life. Details enclosed.
Issaquah Education Association President Derona Uzzle, Chief Academic and Student Success Officer Dana Bailey, and Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick talk about the PBSES program and student supports.